Green unscented tealight candles
The Worlds first 100% recycled green tealight! We ask the UK public for donations of used candles with leftover wax, and after we've processed them we create an amazing reliable unscented tealight for everyday use, superior performance guaranteed, our candles burn to the base leaving little to no leftover wax and burn better for longer, notice the quality of the flame, (and better performance when used in a warmer), Our wick is constructed from flat, Cotton threads interwoven with Paper threads, organic, clean-burning with minimized mushrooming and a clean burn. And of course, a recycled container, saving our natural resources.
Buy in sets of 4, 6, 10 or 12. Also available for free with special promotions!
Raw materials
Created from recycled wax and aluminium containers donated by supporters. In a variety of colours.